Bitter Gourd Farming Information

The seed is sown by dibbling strategy at a dividing of 120×90 cm. By and large three to four seeds are sown in a pit at 2.5 to 3.0 cm profundity. The seeds are absorbed wate over night before sowing for better germination. Seed germination was improved by drenching the seeds for 24 hours in arrangement of 25 to 50 ppm GA and 25 ppm boron. In flatbed format seeds are dibbled at the dividing 1 x 1 m.
30 to 50 cartload very much disintegrated FYM ought to be included at the season of soil arrangement 50 kg N, 25 kg P/ha. Ought to be given ½ N and full phosphorus ought to be given at the season of sowing seeds and staying half N ought to be given 30 days in the wake of sowing.
A few hoeing is given to keep down the weeds amid the beginning time of development. The stormy season edit is typically stalked, frequently prepared on a nook made of bamboos and sticks.
Gathering is done when the organic products are as yet youthful and delicate at each substitute day. Picking ought to be done painstakingly with the goal that the vine may not be harmed. The organic products ought not be permitted to develop on the vines. The reaped natural products might be put away for 3 to 4 days in-cool condition.
Watch this video for knowing more (Malayalam). Courtesy: Krishi Videos Malayalam