How To Clean Tea Strainer

Blending tea with free tea leaves requires a tea strainer to hold the tea leaves while emptying high temp water into the glass.
How To Clean Tea Strainer. Watch this video. Courtesy: Shamees Kitchen

Knowing how to utilize clean tea strainer is to a great degree basic, on the off chance that you need to appreciate fermenting and drinking unadulterated tea. An obstructed tea strainer won’t enable tea blend to go through the tea strainer and the tea floods out of the strainer. A stained tea strainer is unattractive in preparing a solid tea.

Fill your pot with crisp water for preparing tea. On the off chance that you are utilizing faucet water, enable some water to stream out for few moments and after that fill the pot. Water put away in tap isn’t reasonable for blending it.

An all metal tea strainer get recolored effortlessly henceforth cleaning it sporadically with a blanching operator is required to keep them flawless.

Make a blend of blanching operator in water and splash the tea strainer for around 20 minutes. Utilize a brush to rub stopped up gaps in the tea strainer.

Wash the tea strainer altogether in light of the fact that any detergent left in the tea strainer will influence the essence of your tea.


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