Double roofing to decrease heat inside house

Natural ventilation makes the foremost of air motion to chill you and your home. this can be the first passive cooling strategy all told climate zones, however the nuances of its application vary by region. Understanding seasonal wind patterns can assist you alter your window openings, out of doors areas and windbreaks to extend your comfort while not looking forward to unrenewable fuels.

Take a while to consider the breezes and winds around your home:

• At what time of day and year area unit the winds strongest?

• From that direction will your wind return (the one that blows most of the time, once there are not any storms)?

• From what direction do storms come?

• Is there a visible breeze or wind most of the year? will it vary abundant from season to season?

• Do your native breezes shift daily?

• Is native air movement influenced by geographic options or landscape elements?

There area unit many ways that to be told regarding native wind direction and intensity, like observant for yourself (at completely different times of the day and year), accessing weather information and asking native farmers or others World Health Organization work outdoors what they observe.

You also will droop a wind cone in your yard. an exponent World Health Organization lives close to the ocean has done this; she and her family fancy being awake to changes within the wind’s direction and force, creating them feel a lot of like a part of their natural surroundings: “Our wind comes from the northwest, therefore most of the time the wind cone points to the southeast. however typically it suddenly turns and points north, then we all know there’s a storm returning in.” A weather vane on your home or garage will offer an equivalent data.
this video is Manorama News veedu program


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