1300 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1300 Square Feet
Sit Out
Court Yard
4 Bedroom with Attached Bathroom
Work Area
1 Common Bathroom
Go up the slope and move towards the other side of the house, you can see how the house works well with the landscape. The upper and lower outdoor zones are created and the interior of the house functions as a connection.
On the more private side of the house there is a patio adjacent to a lower level. The vertical elements are wrapped with the same metal as the rest of the house, unlike the vertical elements covered with stones near the driveway.
One space containing a roof line running in the opposite direction to the major volume is the master bedroom that you see on the left edge of the previous photo. The space opens toward the trees, above which are large windows, sunshades, clear windows above.