590 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Low Budget Home Design

Total Area : 590 Square Feet
Budget : 9 Lacks
50 % Bank Loan Available

Sit Out
2 Bedroom
2 Attached Bathroom

Sarovaram Homes & Builders
Dileep : 9633009990

In general, if you decide to install a Juliet balcony in your home, the first thing you need to do is to make an opening. This balcony is attached to the sash window. It is very important to carefully choose the position and size of the opening. First of all, do not conflict with service line or utility line. Consider the position of the descending pipe of rainwater, outside or inside the wall, the water and heating pipe, and the soil and exhaust pipe of the cable. Also, please secure sufficient space on both sides of the opening to fix the rail. Please do not plan to keep them close to the wall like a window or the edge of another opening.

590 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Low Budget Home Design
590 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Low Budget Home Design

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