2800 Square Feet 5 Bedroom Double Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Is our garden completely different today? Traditional values ​​of garden designs, regardless of whether they surround or not, a lot of people still have it. The trend of modern gardening such as “New English” style is not the current architectural idea, but the past is watching. There are many modern house designs, reflecting the international style, but the surrounding gardens should complement them. The function is the same, but the decoration is mostly or exactly the same, geometric and clean line.

A simple and functional garden that fits the house’s construction can sometimes be irrelevant because it tends not to refer to the design of the previous style garden so much and tends to depart from the historical reference.

But indeed, this style of garden design that fits perfectly how to guide our lives is rooted in the work of the early Austrian architect Adolphe Ross of the century. Also famous Bauhaus design school in the 1930’s

2800 Square Feet 5 Bedroom Double Floor Modern Home Design and Plan
2800 Square Feet 5 Bedroom Double Floor Modern Home Design and Plan


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