2380 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Two Story Amazing Contemporary Home Design and Elevation

The side-by-side unit has a refrigerator on the right side, a freezer on the left side, and a compressor at the top. There is water in the door, but there is little water on the door, the door depth is 24 to 25 inches and the height is 84 inches. Most have freezer which is smaller than refrigerator. In addition, stainless steel and panel compatible options, glass door options are also available. Ideal for kitchens with enough space to put large units on different walls. They typically work best the right side of the wall of the cabinet or perpendicular to the working triangle, as the fridge is on the right. The main difference is that the built-in is coplanar with the cabinet and is possible, but it is not completely hidden. Even though the cabinet panel matches, remove the outer flange and upper grill of the unit like a refrigerator.