1100 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Low Budget Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1100 Square Feet
2 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area
The couple first added some coats of white paint to the existing dark wood trim around the windows to fit the white wall. It soon felt great with the look of their compact living room. The couple reused the old TV stand from their primary home to create a bench seat with a simple breakfast corner. The bench keeps toys and board games. A new white window blind adds privacy while maintaining a light and airy cottage. The kitchen cabinet is original, but the couple updated counters and faucets with a new model.The two original slim closets face the full bed in the main bedroom. This couple added a cabinet of Besta from Ikea and combined them. On the shelf, photos of your family vacation are displayed.