1501 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Three Floor Contemporary Style Home at Small Plot Area

Total Area : 1501 Square Feet
Ground Floor : 693.91
Sit out
1 Bedroom
1 Common Bathroom
First Floor : 693.91
2 Bedroom
1 Attached bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Utility Area
Third Floor : 113.46
Stair Room
Open Terrace
Innovative Designers & Builders
Sreekaryam, Trivandrum
Contact : 9995365128
If putting a house with one of the latest style imaginable is your dream, then you should totally check this house out. The unique look of the house, which is built on a moderate budget, amazingly complements the structure of the plot. The exteriors and interiors adorn shades of elegant white and coffee brown. The external view of the house is different from both sides.
Every people often get surprised realizing that this specious house is built on such a small plot. The plan aims at making the best use of space to suit the needs of the family in the best and the most cost-efficient way possible. There is a sit out, living cum dining space, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and balcony in this house which has an area of 1501 square feet.
The 2 bedrooms are bath attached. There is a bedroom on ground floor. Other two bedrooms are on the top most floor as well. There are glass windows, on the wall, which welcomes lots of natural light and fresh air into the interiors. The stairway begins from the dining space and the wash area is arranged beneath the stair. This beautiful Contemporary home designed by Innovative Designers and Builders Pvt Ltd, Trivandrum.