10 Cleaning Tips for People who Hate Housework

Learn ten improvement tips for folks that hate work during this fast tips video from Howcast.

Can’t reach the cobwebs?

Drag a chemical element balloon around them. Gone.

Coffee grinder a grimy mess?

Grind raw polished rice in there till the rice comes out clean.

Artificial flowers gathering dust?
Put them during a sack with a cup of salt. Fold it closed and shake.

The dirt can fall right off.

Microwave spill?

Cover it with a wet towel and nuke for ten seconds. it’s going to wipe right up once the material cools.

Dusty shades?

Blast them with a will of compressed gas. the type accustomed clean pc keyboards. All clean.

Rusty or water noticed chrome?

Pour cola thereon, then wipe with the shiny facet of alumium foil.

What a bright idea!

Slimy vase?

Pour some sodium bicarbonate within, followed by a couple of pours of white vinegar and scrub. All clear!

Used milk glasses lined in scummy film?

Rinse them in cold water before laundry them with plight and soap. Sparkle.

Sponge got grunge?

Pop it into the microwave whereas it’s damp and nuke it for one minute.


Dusty mini-blinds? Wipe them with a humid drier sheet that conjointly helps forestall new dirt from aggregation. Voila!


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