Where Do You Need A Septic Tank At Home ?
A septic tank is an underground chamber made of concrete, plastic through which domestic waste water (sewage) flows for basic treatment. A septic tank consists of one or more concrete or plastic tanks, one end is connected to an inlet waste water pipe and the other to a septic drain field. The design of the tank usually incorporates two chambers, each equipped with a manhole cover, and separated by a dividing wall with opening located about midway blew the floor and roof of the tank.
Waste water enters the first chamber of the tank, allowing solids to settle and scum to float. The exes liquid, now in a relatively clear condition. Then drains from the out let into the septic drain field. The remaining impurities are trapped and eliminated in the soil. A properly designed and normally operating septic system is odor-free and besides periodic inspection and emptying of the septic tank, should last for decades with minimal maintenance.
The size of the septic tank you will need depends mostly on the size of the house and the number of people who will reside there. A well suited septic tank will not leak and should be able to with stand earth movements. It is important when designing that septic tank that you pay close attention to levels. As per the vastu for septic tank, the length of the tank must be in south-north. The outlet of such tank must be in the west or north.