What to grow on one cent.

A young farmer is bringing a revolution in farming thru experiments which have amazed even specialists. Jayanendran, forty one, of Kannampadi is making consistent efforts to show farming on a one-cent plot right into a worthwhile affair.

All farming strategies of this tribal young people, who has efficiently grown tapioca from seeds and additionally reaped an excellent yield, are novel and clinical. He tried this method in tapioca farming to overcome the reduction within the reproductive capability of tapioca stumps that have been planted for many years.

One tapioca plant yielded six to seven tubers, each weighing 15 kg. He continually attempts to find out how to make farming worthwhile the usage of novel methods, at the identical time maintaining traditional knowledge in mind.

On his one cent, there may be pond where he has taken up fish farming. Above the pond, there may be a pandal manufactured from bamboo which supports his sour gourd plants. Around the pond, many vegetables are grown. Besides, he has additionally taken up apiculture (beekeeping). From one cent, he reaps harvest worth over Rs 10,000.
video courtesy: Hamza Anchumukkil


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