What is the cost of installing solar in Kerala?

A sun panel works through allowing debris of mild (photons) to facilitate the loose go with the flow of electrons, thereby producing the go with the flow of power. It consists of many photovoltaic cells which can be basically a type of sandwich-like shape made of slices of semiconducting fabric, typically silicon. Silicon is mounted under non-reflective glass to supply PV panels that gather photons from the solar and convert them into DC (direct modern) electric powered electricity. This DC electricity then flows into an inverter which transforms it into AC (alternating current) electric powered power.

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Different varieties of sun panels and their charges in India
Solar panels may be labeled on the premise of various parameters just like the number of junctions they have got or the technology they belong to. On the idea of the quantity of junctions, there are single-junction and multi-junction solar panels that range in phrases of the wide variety of layers inside the sun panel. Then there may be any other way of classifying solar panels i.E. Almost about the era they belong to, On the idea of the number of junctions, there are single-junction and multi-junction sun panels that fluctuate in phrases of the quantity of layers inside the solar panel. Then there is some other way of classifying sun panels i.E. On the subject of the generation they belong to, which specializes in the material and performance of various forms of solar panels.

1st generation solar panels
These are primary sun panels which are made of monocrystalline silicon or polycrystalline silicon and are used in conventional environment.


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