Before selecting a air condition, know some things

Before getting you Air Conditioner, you ought to consider where the indoor and the open air units will be set. Keep in mind that the best choice is dependably to request guidance from an atmosphere proficient.

Aeration and cooling system units from 2KW to 3,5KW have an establishment remove (tube length between the indoor and the open air unit) that fluctuates from 3 to 15 meters around. That is sufficient for by far most of establishments. Do you realize that the more extended the separation between the indoor and the open air unit, the lower the execution of the framework?

Contrasted and a 5 meter establishment, a 10 meters establishment has an execution loss of between a 3 and a 5 % and a 15 meter establishment between a 7 and a 10 %.

Do you think a 5% is not that much? Imagine a scenario where you consider the 10-15 years of your AC lifetime.
Area for the open air unit is another essential element to consider for the AC framework execution.

Having legitimate ventilation is basic, so in the event that it is introduced close to a divider, make sure to keep enough separation between the divider and the outside unit for the air to stream effortlessly.

On the off chance that we anticipate that the framework will work in cool mode, we have to keep away from direct daylight to our outside unit. In this manner, we have to introduce it in a shady area. The temperature contrast between being under direct daylight or being in the shade might be from 5 to 10ºC and we have to consider that this 5ºC distinction may infer up to a 20% of over utilization.


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