Modern and Amazing 3D Epoxy Floor Design Ideas

Many people are first made aware of metallic epoxy floor coating because they find a picture on the internet of beautiful floor that looks elegant and unique. Some maybe wondering if a metallic epoxy floor is right for their needs. A metallic epoxy floor coating is tiny, almost glitter-like pigments are mixed into an epoxy resin and then poured onto the floor or substrate.
When these pigments become agitated with a paint brush or roller, they gather, separate, twist and turn to reflect light at different angles. In this video we are included the step by step procedure for applying metallic floor epoxy coating.
Step 1 – First you’ve got to make sure your surface is totally clean, solid and free of all dust and debris.
Step 2 – Apply the colored epoxy base coat
Step 3 – Preparation for metallic coating, mix some coating substances which are concrete cleaner, golden colored water based epoxy prime coat, concrete epoxy 100% solids, clear epoxy 100% coat, sure create epoxy metallic floor system, and industrial floor wall. Now you’re ready to apply your desired metallic epoxy coating.
Step 4 – Apply clear top coat protection. The process of installation is very quick and what’s may be the most important to you, the cleaning is extremely easy. This is one of the best investments you will ever make, whether you want it for your kitchen and bath areas, living rooms and sitting rooms or for you own personal garage and basement work spaces.