How To Make Mosquito Trap

This custom made mosquito trap is anything but difficult to make from a void 2-liter pop jug, juice bottle or comparative measured holder. For this task, I utilized a purge 46-oz plastic juice bottle.
Begin by utilizing the razor cut or other sharp slicing apparatus to cut off the best segment of the container, just beneath the territory where the neck of the jug flares out to meet the primary area of the jug. Be watchful: the razor cut is sharp and can undoubtedly slice through the plastic and into a finger, so utilize alert while removing the highest point of the jug.
In the wake of removing the highest point of the jug, you now have the two pieces that will reworked to make the trap: the base chamber and the bottleneck.
Whenever modified and with the top evacuated, the neck area of the container now takes after a channel. For full instruction watch this video. Courtesy: Crafts Media