Make a bonsai within Around 15 minutes

Is about how to create a juniper cascade bonsai from nursery stock. In this video Peter goes through shaping the tree and how to select the correct pot and what soil is best to use.
The length of the video is longer than 15 minutes the time to create the tree is only about 15 minutes. actually its not a short cut, its a different way of making bonsai
All tree starts with a specimen stuff that the tree professional needs to coach into a tree kind. These specimen trees have many characteristics that create them ideal for a tree. To show the aged look of a tree inside a brief time, the supply plant is usually mature on mature stock or is collected from the wild. A specimen could also be elite supported the tree characteristics it already possesses sort of a specimen from the wild that contains a nice age or a nursery plant that contains a taper and is scar-free or specimens that area unit acknowledged for its strength. The characteristic traits of a decent tree material embrace factors like color, bark texture, branch and trunk structure, totally different leaf shapes and sizes etc. Reproducing trees that contain these tree characteristics through numerous means that of propagation is incredibly essential within the art of tree and area unit as follows