Low Budget Single Floor Modern Home Design

Concrete flooring is a sustainable option if you use existing concrete slabs to avoid consuming new materials. And they do not need to demote to the basement or garage. If you polish and polish and seal concrete, traditional kitchen and living room seems to be sophisticated, especially with Oriental rugs and beautiful furniture and fixtures. Maintenance necessary for concrete floor is done with soapy water every week. I think that you may not need it, but I recommend you install the baseboard along with the concrete floor. If you do not have a baseboard, please imagine what a dirty mop will leave in the gap where the floor meets the wall. And it completes your choice and shows you intentionally.

The polished and maintained floor is expected to last more than 100 years. I am thankful that the concrete floor with aging cracks was not hidden under this new tile or carpet at this house. Instead, it was celebrated for a holding history and was exhibited with other architecturally rescued materials. For exterior applications, you can use a silicone-based penetration sealer to avoid damp appearance. Here we can see how it is a good flooring material for concrete indoor / outdoor transition.


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