Improve Your Baby’s Skin Color

Hello friends, today we are coming with a useful tips about Improve Your Baby’s Skin Color. if you like this post, share to friends and family.

Panikoorka plant is a not unusual sight in most houses within the Southern states of India. You will find them in the houses where small kids are there. Panikoorka is an Ayurvedic herb , the leaves are used for treating common cold, cough and fever in infants and adults. Panikoorka is a natural anti-pyretic and is best in kids.
There are references in Ayurveda of the use of this herb.The botanical call of Panikoorka is Plectranthus amboinicus . In India it’s miles called Indian borage, in Hindi called Patta ajavayin, in Tamil – karpooravalli and referred as navaryila in Malayalam.

Panikoorka is very powerful home cure for cold, fever and cough in youngsters. Leaves of panikoorka is squeezed and the juice is taken. A teaspoonful of Panikoorka juice while given to babies could therapy their cough, bloodless, fever, sore throat, nasal congestion and chest congestion.
Panikoorka is a natural expectorant for children. Panikoorka could be very effective for cough and chest congestion . Boil the leaves of panikoorka for five minutes in 1 cup of water. When cool feed 2 tspn of this decoction to kids for curing their cough, and bronchitis. It is an effective herbal remedy for excess phlegm.
Panikoorka is used as a herbal and immediately First resource help . Applying the extract of panikoorka leaves at the area relieves itching, infection, insect bites and wounds . It is likewise used in the treatment of skin issues, dandruff and one of a kind varieties of hypersensitive reactions.


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