How to Protect Heat to Your Home ?

Summer heat is increasing every day and many cities in india recorded temperatures this summer due to lack of rains and high solar radiation. Many people especially babies and elderly, suffer from heat related illness like perspiration, exhaustion, difficulty in urination sometimes death due to high heat. Air conditioners (AC) may be able to ward off the heat, but the energy use and electricity bills will be going through your roof with frequent cuts in grid power supply.
Heat proofing method is good on terrace. Which are considered as non activity areas. It helps to reflect the heat from outside and keep the place cool.Customers can avail these reflective roof coatings at market leading prices. A high performance heat reduction coating with high solar reflective and low thermal conductivity that provides excellent heat insulation and energy savings.
We are using Engineer plus HPC 99, heat reducing exterior coating. Recommended for commercial buildings, wardrobes, factories, metal tanks, industrial and go-down shades or exterior wall of building. It reduces the conductivity of heat from exterior to interior. It is easy to apply brush or roller.