How to Make Mehandi Paste and Cone at Home

Appropriately sieved henna powder – Use a muslin material to strainer the henna powder. Ensure there is no buildup left as it can hinder the Mehndi cone.
how to make Mehandi paste and cone at home. Watch this video. Courtesy: sumis kitchen&stitching world

Very much stressed solid tea decoction. Include few drops of eucalyptus oil. Likewise, include some stressed lime juice. For better outcomes include 1-2 tablespoon of sugar.

Take the henna powder in a bowl, include the tea till it turns into a thick glue (like a mixture). Include eucalyptus oil, sugar and lime squeeze and blend well to influence it into a smooth and thin to glue. Abandon it secured overnight or amid the day on the off chance that you like to apply in the night.

Instant henna cones are likewise accessible in the market yet in the event that you wish to make one at home take a square shape 7″ X 4 shape thick plastic (cooler sack plastic and so on). Begin curving the sack from one corner in order to make a cone from it. Fix the tip to make a small gap in it. Your Henna cone is prepared at this point. Fill the cone with the henna glue, and tie the outskirt firmly by utilizing an elastic band or a string.


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