How to Clean Plastic Cutting Board

In the event that there’s one bit of kitchenware you utilize ordinary, it’s your cutting board, so it bodes well to keep it clean so as to stay away from defilement. There are a few techniques you can use to clean both wooden and plastic cleaving boards.
How to Clean Plastic Cutting Board. Watch this video. Courtesy: CrazyIndianHacker
In the event that your cutting board smells after you slash onions, squash garlic, cut crude and cooked meat and chicken, or get ready fish, dispose of the scent and help clean the cutting
board by rubbing everything over with the cut side of a large portion of a lemon. You can likewise wash your cutting board in
undiluted lemon juice from a jug. Keep your wooden or plastic cutting board cleaner by every so often scouring it with a glue produced using 1 tablespoon each preparing pop, salt, and water. Flush altogether with heated water.
When you begin to see scoring on your plastic cutting board, utilize a steel scouring cushion to expel any free plastic particles from the board’s surface, and afterward utilize a belt sander to smooth out the surface.