Do this 10 mins Every Morning & look 18 years old

A few months ago my mother, who suffers from chronic dry eyes, started taking flaxseed supplements. This was after a makeup artist, who had the same condition, told me about how she healed herself with only flaxseed supplements. It almost seemed too easy and good to be true but then thought it would do no harm to give it a try.
Do this 10 mins Every Morning & look 18 years old. Watch this video. Courtesy: Beauty recipes
I went on Amazon, ordered two large bottles of supplements and told my mother to take 3000 mg every day for about three months. She didn’t notice a difference right away but gradually, her condition improved. Then two weeks ago, while we were vacationing in beautiful Okinawa, my mother realized she hadn’t touched her eyedrops once during the entire trip. I can’t tell you how happy it made me to see that the treatment worked! What a comforting feeling it is to know that she won’t have to go through life having to constantly rely on medication to find relief.
The reason why I’ve decided to write a post about the benefits of flaxseed is because not only has it greatly helped my mother, it’s also helped me in many ways. While it’s not trending like chia seeds or quinoa, it’s still a superfood worth talking about.
I thought I would share with you the positive effects flaxseed has had on my life in hopes that it might perhaps, benefit yours too.