Contacts Phone Dialer

Application name-drupe
source-play store
Forget about traditional phone book apps! we bring your contacts & apps together to one place, that’s accessible from all of your screens. wish to contact a friend? Dial or text anyone? record calls?” Swipe the contact to the app & get in touch! simple.
New: an inbuilt call recorder, caller ID to track & block SPAM calls & a theme Gallery!
drupe app supports Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Português (Brasil), Pусский, Türkçe, Norsk, український, עברית, العربية, हिन्दी, 日本語, 한국어.
Dial, text, record calls or reaches anyone on your contact list, using any app!
★ sensible dialer – Cross app dialing created quick & simple
★ An inbuilt call recorder – NEW ACR! Record incoming or outgoing calls!
★ a wise caller ID huntsman & blocker to seek out-out unknown numbers – stone fruit ID symbol can assist you with the search & the trailing of call spammers + with adding them to your blacklist: Show the details of telemarketers or unknown & private mobile numbers who were known as you. Stop the blindness- apprehend “who is calling me” at any given time, see the main points of incomprehensible unknown calls. Uncover the names of people or businesses who call you, and avoid unwanted calls.
★ Organize your address book/phonebook – solve the duplicate Google contacts issues. No a lot of phone book mess…
★ All from one place -Dialer, WhatsApp, SMS, walkie motion-picture show, Facebook traveler, Skype, telephone… area unit all in, and there area unit more.
★ Unified “recent” feed –Track your recent communication log – call log, SMS, Walkie -talkie audio messages, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger and a lot of. Reverse lookup those unknown numbers in your call history
★ Contact primarily based reminders – Set reminders, time or context connected.
★ missed calls manager – get back to your missed calls via call, SMS, WhatsApp or else. Snooze for later or set reminders
★ an integrated call blocker – Trace, discover and block any caller or number whether unknown, spam, scams, robocalls or telemarketers, expose their name and details & immediately go on to blocking them!
★ An in-built call recorder – Record each side of the voice conversation (caller and receiver), choose if to record all calls, or activate the call recorder only when required.