How to Apply Kajal- makeup tips for beginners

Kajal or kohl whatever you call it. In any case, it is without a doubt a standout amongst the most adored magnificence item the whole way across the world. Regardless of whether you are a youngster, working ladies, or somebody in their middle age, This little dark thing can do ponders in emphasizing the magnificence of your eyes. Regardless of whether you are a non cosmetics individual, that too a kajal alone can give you sultry and exciting eyes. In any case, applying the kajal consummately or in the correct way is additionally critical to receive the most in return.

We will share two techniques to apply kajal. One is the normal smirch free look and the other is a smokey look.
When you have picked the kajal according to the loving it’s a great opportunity to apply it pleasantly or accurately.
Keep you ring finger underneath the waterline and delicately pull it done. This will uncover the waterline and application will be less demanding.

Presently apply the kajal from the external end to the internal corner of the eyes. Swipe once sit tight for 5 seconds at that point swipe once more. On the off chance that you have little eyes at that point take the kajal a little outside the external corner of the eyes, this will make the eye looks greater

This will give a profoundly pigmented and smear verification line however for that you ought to pick a kajal that is smirch confirmation as well. In the photo underneath, I have connected the kajal on my upper lash line excessively like an eyeliner and after that connected mascara.

Watch this video for knowing more about How to Apply Kajal. Courtesy: stylish4you Malayalam


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