Strike your hair without making any money-malayalam video

There will be no one who does not want to be able to straighten the hair without spending hair. Here’s what you do not have a new tip side effect on your home and at the same time you have the right side effects. It is no longer necessary to go to the beauty parlor to queue your hair. Without you. Let’s see how.

The spray bottle should be taken first by adding milk or coconut. Be careful to use only one. Spray your hair after a little moisture. This can be done on the scalp and the trunk of the hair.

If your hair is good everywhere, chip your hair. The pearl must be used.
You should always notice that your hair should never fall off the ground.
Then massage it on the scalp. Have coconut on your hair at least an hour. You can still keep your hair dry.

Wash your hair as good as possible. Wash your hair and leave it well. Dry it off after drying. Once the hair is stretched, your hair will stretch straight up. Hair will soften and hair gloss shine. Watch the video to learn more


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