1452 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Contemporary House Design and Plan

Total Area : 1452 Square Feet
Budget : 21 Lacks

Ground Floor : 807 Square Feet
Sit Out
2 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom

First Floor : 645 Square Feet
Upper Living
2 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom

contact the designer.
Perfect Design
Riyadh – K.S.A
Mail :perfecthomedesignz@gmail.com

To show the living room more comfortable, to keep light and airy elements. Consider soft color palette, please do not use too much furniture. It is very important that more people and houses that allow more than 4 people to move through the floor and space. Therefore it is prudent to invest in parts that provide more functionality than reducing the area of ​​furniture. You can stack ottomans with nested cats on multiple tables. The coffee table is placed on the wheel and you can increase the room standing away from the drop of the hat. By installing a long ceiling storage cabinet such as a living room, space can be used efficiently. It seems that it does not provide enough storage looks clean room that reduces the need to have a large cupboard occupying the floor area of ​​the room.

1452 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Contemporary House Design and Plan
1452 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Contemporary House Design and Plan

Courtesy : keralahomedesignz.com


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