How to find Space In your small kitchen
file holders hacks
Use file holders to store various items in your kitchen such as spices, vegetables, cleaning products, etc.
Hang them beneath your cabinets, stack them in your fridge, or stick them to the inside of a cabinet door.
adhesive hook hacks
Use adhesive hooks to hang measuring cups on the inside of a cabinet door.
Use adhesive hooks to keep the trash bag on your trash can.
Use adhesive hooks to store pot lids.
pegboard wall organizer
Attach pegboard to your kitchen wall.
Add pegboard hooks to hang pots, pans, utensils, etc.
fridge hacks
Attach a small rod to the side of your fridge to hang towels, utensils, etc.
Add a shelf on top of your fridge to create more vertical space.
pantry space hack
Build a sliding pantry to fit behind your fridge.