1317 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Modern Single Floor House Design and Plan

Total Area : 1317 Square Feet
Budget : 20 Lacks

Sit Out
3 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area

Designed By : Suhaib.A
Mob : 9037555815

This is the last day you have to give a touch of finishing to the walls or ceiling if you need additional paint paint to get the proper shades, if you choose a dark accents color. If your home is ready with a new look, remember to bring out your new cushion and bedspread. The laminated floor is lightweight and can be attached to any substrate without dismantling or removing the existing floor. The floorboards can be fastened quickly because they are coupled to each other with an interlock system called a tongue joint. To use the vacuum cleaner on a regular basis, use a vacuum cleaner or moist mop. It penetrates the surface, is durable, shows high resistance to scratches and fading.

1317 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Modern Single Floor House Design and Plan
1317 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Modern Single Floor House Design and Plan


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