850 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Contemporary Home Design for 13.3 Lacks

Total Area : 850 Square Feet
Budget : 13.3 Lacks
Sit Out
2 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area
Office No:258 Kavallor Building, Edathirinji, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, Kerala,
Land phone: +91 480 2 84 10 14
+91 90 7272 2909 | +91 95 6210 6927
www.keralahomedesigners.com | infomyhomes@gmail.com
The entryway of the mud room mixes old and new which directly lead to the open concept family space. Remedied trees are lined up on the wall from the original wall of the house, but the interior door and wall of the glass brings more light from the entrance in the house. The couple has a living area with a dining table and a kitchen. They also removed the wall separating the master bedroom on the left side and the guest bedroom and moved the stairs from the front of the house to the center. Steel beams were left to show where a long, dark corridor was once. Caroline and David both love to cook. In their previous kitchen there was little spare space and big islands were in the priority list.