610 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Low Budget Beautiful Home Design

Total Area : 610 Square Feet
Budget : 7 Lacks
9×8 Bed Room
7×8 Bed Room
18×7 Dining cum Living
5×11 Kitchen
4×5 Common Toilet
8×4 Sit Out
8×9 Stair Room
Contact:75 60 824 800
The best plants in the sunny garden will naturally be found at high light levels and low level exposed places. Plants that can cope with such places have evolved due to certain characteristics such as effective water storage. The sunny garden planted with plants can be established and maintained much more easily than carefully selected ones. All the plants mentioned in this story adapt to Indian climate. Choosing these is one of the best decisions you can make for a bright and colorful garden without trouble. Alcohol is one of the most beautiful things in your full sun garden. It takes time and effort and requires minimal water and if you have time to care about your garden, you should be looking for it. Succulent plants will give you a pleasure and low maintenance cost garden and will surprise the more beautiful garden. It is also known as Zephyr lilies and lilies, but this is an attractive petite plant. There are colors of pink, yellow and white, starry sky blossoms bloom at the end of summer till the monsoon and October. Pale green leaves, perennials blooming in the season of monsoon, and blooming again in the azalea. It can be used as shrub or potted plant, ground covering, depending on how it is pruned. This shrub loves heat and sun, like the one we can tropical forever it can bloom. It is also a good choice for potted plants, once drought resistant. Yellow flowers bloom during the summer even during dry spells. Due to its comfortable climate, Crepe Myrtle is a perfect patio tree. Spring and trees bloom in white lumps of pink, deep magenta and red with lots of colorful and ornate flowers. Talking about a mountaineer is the first genus of a plant. It is a low-care grape which is recognized by the ornate group of vivid shady flower-like bracts. An actual small white flower nests in it. If you contact closer, the tip of that branch is sharp. This lovely plant is lined with pink flowers for several months until May. The big leaves are hydrangea and leaf leaves from December to January.