2031 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Double Floor Low Budget Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 2031 Square Feet

Ground Floor : 1510 Square Feet
Sit Out
2 Bedroom With Attached Bathroom
Work Area
1 Common Bathroom

First Floor : 521 Square Feet
1 Bedroom with Attached Bathroom

This addition is designed to be in harmony with an Orgonal colonial house. Its size and window pattern complements rather than mimic the main structure exactly. White wooden siding, simple gable roof, double window, shutter, classic inspired entry Portico is the main feature of colonial style. Sometimes another color appears on the outer surface during the colonial era. Think of it as an exception to prove the rule.

2031 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Double Floor Low Budget Modern Home Design and Plan
2031 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Double Floor Low Budget Modern Home Design and Plan
It is a new colony in the 1940s, similar to the design of Parsons’ Kapon House in Massachusetts State, the oldest colonial house in the United States. This house was extended behind to maintain a simple and symmetrical front. The entrance hall of a colonial style house not only occupies the middle of the house, it is also the perfect mid-way of design. The two-story main house has a traditional colonial central chimney, a symmetrical facade, and a central main entrance. Smaller wings, which are part of the update, extend to the left and right.


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