1998 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1998 Square Feet

Ground Floor : 1290 Square Feet
Sit Out
2 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area

First Floor : 708 Square Feet
Upper Living
2 Bedroom
1 Common Bathroom

Lara Nobel and Andrew Carter considered affordable, home size, environmental impacts when designing a small house on the wheel. Architectural graduates work with the architect Greg Thornton to make use of the design. They are a new home living in Brisbane, Australia, with road trips to display at the event and are addressing concerns without compromising modern comfort. Lara Norbel and Andrew Carter graduated from college and studied architecture. I was involved in a carpentry craftsman’s apprentice. They worked with architect Greg Thornton to establish Tiny House Co., a small business company specializing in the design and construction of compact homes. This project began with a research trip to Portland, Oregon, where a small residential movement was established.

1998 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Home Design and Plan
1998 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Home Design and Plan


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