1850 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Kerala Style Gypsum Panel Home Design and Plan

The sliding gray door panel matches the proportion of the outer wall opening and reinforces the translucent bright bathroom. When closed, the wall of the whole glass which separates the bathroom from the bathroom is completed and the window separates it from the outside. Commercial and industrial door systems are excellent devices for changing scale perception. On this wall of the shower, small lumpy parts are piled up, and this space will look larger than that. Bringing the external windows and door system inside created an interesting public confrontation point to a very private space. The door here is part of a larger ordering system and the system itself provides a sophisticated industrial sense for the space.

1850 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Kerala Style Gypsum Panel Home Design and Plan
1850 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Double Floor Kerala Style Gypsum Panel Home Design and Plan



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