1640 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Two Story House Design and Plan

From the front it is difficult to convey from the counter depth refrigerator to the standard depth. The first clue is the price tag: Things with counter depth tend to cost. Then check the specifications: the standard refrigerator can be deepened more than 6 inches. If you are considering this option, please consider the circulation route. A standard depth refrigerator, in fact, can change the flow and design of the kitchen. By setting the cabinet to a custom depth around the fridge, you can get the appearance of a custom built-in refrigerator without a big price tag. The kitchen is for width. If you have a larger kitchen, you can use them side by side. The best place for this type of refrigerator is at the end of the cabinet, the door swings and turns into a working triangle. You can attach a right hinge or left hinge to a single door unit. Most bottom freezer built-in is available on the front of the glass, with stainless steel and panel compatible options.