1500 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Double Floor Contemporary Modern Home Design

Area-1500 SFT
Plot- 4 cents
Location- Chevarambalam, Calicut
Completion year- March 2017
Owner- Ratheesh, Neema
Construction, Design- Sajeendran Kommeri
Blue Pearl Constructions, Calicut
email- sajeendrankommeri1@gmail.com Mob- 9388338833
While this begins to define the differences, the term “modern” that refers to the distortion of today’s specific designs is explicitly used so that no new postmodern, neoclassical or other neoclassical buildings are involved It is. The use of this term is much narrower than the literal definition, but still it is rooted at the moment. Modern architecture is that era, therefore it is innovative and foresightable. In this sense, even though it is not similar in style, it is rooted in modern times. In the case of this picture, I have been watching the house since 1939, so the question is a trick. – Circular volume, cantilevered top floor, corner window, and white wash finish. This residence in Austin, Texas was the inspiration of the four distant condom projects of Hugh Jefferson Randolph, four adjacent condo projects by Hugh Jefferson Randolph are in the nearby predecessor of modern architecture It is rooted. The surface of white wash is dominant. The windows are obvious, cantilevers and overhangs can be found. Another aspect of the contemporary style shared by them is intentional asymmetry and is the starting point from the classical symmetry that was prevalent before the 20th century.