1358 Square Feet 4 Bedroom Single Floor Beautiful Home Design and Plan
Total Area : 1358 Square Feet
Sit Out
4 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
The room is not so. Therefore, a hidden unit appears like this. Here, it is placed inside a large interior and can be hidden by the slide panel. This is where the television is set up and offers two. It has a lift that can withdraw the gadget when you do not want to see the tube. As the TV goes up, you can partly divide the room and the niche for the bed fits perfectly. This bedroom window that you can enjoy outdoor view. Not a vast landscape Drop-down is pulled up during use and hidden in the middle of the night. Outdoor and screen can look out together in front of window or opposite window. Rotate, smart design! It also functions as a space-saving media unit for storing cables and cables. I can choose how to see it when lying in bed or sitting in the area of the living room next to it.