1194 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Contemporary Modern Single Floor Home Design and Plan
Total Area : 1194 Square Feet
Budget : 16 Lacks
Car Porch
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
3 Attached Bathroom
Work Area
contact the designer.
Perfect Design
Riyadh – K.S.A
Mail :perfecthomedesignz@gmail.com
When choosing your furniture and accessories, it is important to work in the space you have. The size and size of the room should be in harmony. A typical mistake is to place large furniture in a small room with a low ceiling or use a small carpet that does not extend under the seat. Let’s apply the same principle to lamps and accessories to make a balanced appearance. The most common counterfeit products are excessive designs and are attempting excessive exaggeration. Handling very diverse materials and fabric finishing pallets tends to be a very common mistake. As a result, space loses its identity. I believe that you should stick to the palette of limited materials with eclectic accents to break monotone.