1190 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1190 Square Feet
Budget : 13 Lacks
Sit Out
2 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area
There were two major challenges to this remodeling. There is another apartment there, and on the back side there is a right wall. We restrict how residents of this building move piping and structure inside the apartment. We had to submit detailed drawings to building boards and architects to obtain approval. The owner was not convinced that lowering the ceiling in this small area is a good idea. Humans make the ceiling brighter and make the small rooms actually larger. When you see a client understanding human intentions, you will find that this room is full of vanity from the floor tile. This was intentional in our office. Actually pushing space into the designer’s bathroom from the bathroom of the day such details of such background.