1155 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Low Budget Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1155 Square Feet
Budget : 13 Lacks
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area

If you go to the kitchen, you have heard a lot about the triangle of work. It is often admired as the best way for designers to set up a kitchen, the triangle of the kitchen work is possible. It is a simple idea that saves time and energy. Simply put, the kitchen is triangulating the three main work areas within the kitchen: sink, range, but you can understand this concept, but your design matches your purpose You can allow to bend rules. The work of the kitchen is the three main work areas of the kitchen – sink, range, fridge. As a, the distance between these areas must be greater than or equal to 4 feet and less than or equal to 9 feet. The sum of the three aspects should be 13 feet and 26 feet. If the distance is too small, you can feel the kitchen. If it is too big, cooking becomes troublesome. When the kitchen work was created, the space for decoration and the kitchen kitchen have become much bigger. They will be home, easily shared with meals, living room and space.