1151 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Modern Single Floor Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1151 Square Feet
Budget : 16 Lacks
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area
contact the designer.
Perfect Design
Riyadh – K.S.A
Mail :perfecthomedesignz@gmail.com
Create a smart space with wire drawer, carousel, adjustable shelves, pullout cabinet, bin holder. It is guaranteed to have fun and enjoyable time in the kitchen. Please see here whether various items are in order. After you install the module, please choose from extra surface finishing options for texture, pattern, and color. The modular kitchen is highly customizable. They can be adjusted to fit all the spaces and corners. Let’s refurbish without having to take care of stopping everyday work in the kitchen.


Courtesy : keralahomedesignz.com