1151 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Low Budget Kerala Style Single Floor Home

Total Area : 1151 Square Feet
Budget : 17 Lacks
Client : Salini Baburaj
Location : Ramanattukara
Courtesy : buildingdesigners.in
Sit out
Living cum dining hall
3 bedrooms
1 attached bathroom
1 common bathroom
Designer : K.V Muraleedharan
Building Designers, Chelari AM Towers,
Cjelari, Thenjippalam, Malappuram
Phone : 04942400202, 9895018990
Whats App : +918943154034
Most keralites who plan to build their dream abode often imagines it to exude the majestic charm of the traditional architecture of kerala. Salini Baburaj, a native of Ramanattukara, proudly shows around her new house built in the traditional architecture style that too, on a moderate budget. The family is pleasantly surprised as the temperature inside the house always remains cool and refreshing even during the blaming summer.
Unnecessary walls are avoided in the interiors making it look more vast specious. Besides, this ensures excellent cross ventilation. This 1151 square feet house has sit out, living and dining areas, kitchen and three bedrooms. The spaces are designed in such a way that it is easy to maintain. Two bedrooms are bath attached. A common bathroom has been arranged inside the house. The walls in the kitchen are lined with enough cupboards.
The construction of this dream home, was completed on a moderate budget of 17 lack. The most amazing feature of this house is that the temperature in the interiors won’t rise even during the harsh summers. The enchanting house has slated roof with mud tiles paved on it. The interiors are designed in the open style and it ensures good ventilation. Salini Baburaj and family are thrilled that they have an elegant abode in their beautiful village where they can unwind and relax.