How to Store Onions Long Term

What is the most ideal approach to store onions? You may have a guard edit from your garden. Maybe you got them in mass at the agriculturists market, basic need or discount store. They were a decent arrangement at the time, yet just in the event that you can utilize them before they turn sour. With the best possible stockpiling procedure, you can keep them for new many months.
Be that as it may, there is likewise the subject of how to store onions once you’ve effectively sliced it down the middle and utilized piece of a knob, or you have cut and diced it.
In the event that the onions are homegrown, enable them to dry before putting away.
Abstain from putting away onions close other create. Many foods grown from the ground will assimilate the onion’s flavor.
Onions can likewise be put away in work packs or plaited.
Anticipate that your onions will last up to eight months away.
It is a urban legend that cut onions are a magnet for microorganisms and infections. Actually, the cut surface is acidic and has sulfur mixes which restrain microscopic organisms and shape. You can keep cut onions once you have cut into the globule or cut or cleaved them. Keep them in a fixed holder in the icebox for seven to ten days, as indicated by the USDA and the National Onion Council. You can likewise solidify cut or slashed onions to use in formulas, in spite of the fact that they won’t be as fresh when defrosted.
Watch this video for knowing more (Malayalam). Courtesy: Kairali Health