How to update Adar card in online

UIDAI has extended the free update of Aadhaar documents for another 3 months, from June 14 to September 14, 2023. Upload your proof of identity and proof of address for updates.
The Aadhar card includes details like name, permanent address, photo, gender, fingerprint, iris information and age of the registrant in biometric format. For whatever reason, if you want to change your address, you can do it offline or online. Please follow the steps below to do it online. How to download address proof for free
Visit the official website
Sign in and select the option “Name/Gender/Date of Birth and Update Address”
Click on the option “Update Aadhaar Online”
Select `address` from the list of demographic options and click `Continue to update Aadhaar`
How to edit aadhaar card details;
Visit the official UIDAI website, ( On the homepage, click on the “My Aadhar” option. Now select the option “Update demographics and check status”. Click the Update Demographics and Check Status tabs. Login with your Aadhar number and one time password (OTP). Click on the “Update Aadhar Online” option and you will be redirected to the next window. Click “Continue to update Aadhar”. The following web page will be displayed. On this page, the current address will be displayed. Here, enter the new home address and necessary details. Upload new home address verification supporting documents. Click the “Next” button and proceed with the payment. Users will be charged a total of Rs 50. Once the payment is made, the internal team will verify the change of home address request. Follow below steps to change aadhaar thẻ card photo
Follow the given below steps to update aadhaar card
Visit uidai official website
Download the Aadhaar registration form. Submit the required completed form to the Aadhaar Registration Center.
Take a photo of the Aadhaar registration center. Rs 100 is charged as a fee for non-GST service. You will receive a receipt confirmation and an update request number.
Track Aadhaar map update by update request number. Updating Aadhaar maps can take up to 90 days.