How to grow your nails really fast and long
Your nails are made of protein, in this manner it is critical that you have a legitimate admission of protein rich sustenances, for example, eggs, meat and beans. You can likewise take protein shakes or vitamin D supplements.
Garlic is compelling to influence your nails to develop quick. Apply garlic glue to your nails twice every week or essentially cut a garlic clove down the middle and rub it on your nails. Its juices will be consumed by your nail.
Washing dishes can make your nails powerless. Cleansers can be brutal for your nails and influence its development. To shield your fingers from hurtful chemicals, dependably wear gloves.
Trim your nails consistently to dispose of any frail parts and apply oil jam before going to bed. Try not to utilize nail shines of customary brands, go for good brands and utilize supplement filled shines.
Dry and dull nails are inclined to breakage. Saturate your nails with olive oil, take few drops of olive oil in your palm and rub it on your nails.
Abstain from gnawing and scratching your nails as it can make them feeble.
Abstain from painting your nails with shines than contain formaldehyde, toluene and sulfonamide. These chemicals are undesirable for your nails.
Watch this video for knowing more about How to grow your nails really fast and long. Courtesy: superWOWstyle!