What’s better than getting fairer skin

What’s better than getting fairer skin? Getting it naturally. Here we give you beauty tips for fair skin that show you how to get fair skin naturally:
Lemon is known to be a superior bleaching agent and scrubbing about half a lemon on your face regularly will help lighten your skin tone. This is one of the simplest yet effective home remedies for fair skin.
The juice of one potato can be squeezed and applied to your face; do it regularly and you will notice a gradual change.
Apply the pulp of a mashed tomato on your skin; not only will it lighten your skin tone but it will give it a pink glow too.
Mix equal quantities of honey and lemon juice and apply it on your skin.
Another great natural way to get fair skin is to mix a tiny amount of cinnamon with about half a teaspoon of honey and apply it on your face.
If you have oily skin and want to lighten its tone, then applying a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice on it works wonders.
Curd is rich in lactic and zinc acid, both of which have natural skin lightening properties.
If you want to lighten scars on your skin then applying fresh coconut water on them really works.
A tiny amount of saffron mixed with olive oil is a great natural remedy to make your skin fair.