871 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Contemporary Modern Home Design

Total Area : 871 Square Feet
Budget : 14.5 Lacks
50 % Loan Available

Sit Out
2 Bedroom
2 Attached Bathroom

Sarovaram Homes & Builders
Dileep : 9633009990

The ash unit starts from the entrance as a closet, then jumps out of the wall to form a bookshelf, then moves to the slide and becomes a coat closet and pantry. Then wrap around the fridge and eventually end up as a horizontal table table block. Rusl introduced a lot of artificial light with numerous lighting of the dimmer above the ceiling, above the storage unit, and the stairs. But the most effective was to open the house in the front and rear wall windows.

871 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Contemporary Modern Home Design
871 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Contemporary Modern Home Design

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