667 Square Feet 2 Bedroom Beautiful Low Budget Home Design

Total Area : 667 Square Feet
Budget : 9.7 Lakhs +10% Superevision Charge (2018)
Owner : Bineesh Bhaskar
Location : Moovattupuzha
Sit Out
Living Cum Dining
2 Bedroom
1 Common Bathroom
Designer: KV Muraleedharan
Building Designers,Chelari AM Towers
Chelari,Thenjippalam(PO),Malappuram (Dt)
Phone: 04942400202,Mob: 9895018990
Whatsapp: +91 89 43 154034
Uneven floors were just the beginning of house problems. Ruzzle demolished the house, removed the walls, opened from end to end, replaced piping, electricity and mechanical elements. This gave me the opportunity to maximize the interior. Loosele was able to be applied to the front exterior. He painted it. The window removed the shutter and underwent maintenance.
The ash unit starts from the entrance and jumps out of the wall, goes out of the desk, hangs around the fridge behind the bucket before wrapping the coat closet and pantry, wraps around the refrigerator In a horizontal meat block table.