23 Lakh Budget German Model Home Design

This German Model house plan designed to be built in 1350 square feet .Site is Chakkulathukavu .It includes 3 bedrooms with the combination of attached bathrooms and a common bathroom. This plan is a single floor which makes out a distinctive and unique design. It is estimated for about 23 lac’s. The living and dining room are very well designed. This plan is designed in aKV Muraleedharan Building Designers,Chelar.
Site : Chakkulathukavu
Style : German model
Sq ft : 1350
Budget : 23 Lakhs +10 % Supervision Charge
Bedroom : 3 nos with 2 attached , 1 common Bathroom
Mezanine Floor , Kitchen , Work area , Guest , Dining , SitoutS
Designer: KV Muraleedharan
Building Designers,Chelari AM Towers
Chelari,Thenjippalam(PO),Malappuram (Dt)
Phone: 04942400202,Mob: 9895018990