1700 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Double Floor Modern and Sloped Roof House at Vadanapilly, Thrissur

Total Area : 1700 Square Feet
Budget : 29 Lacks
Owner : Sijoy Joseph
Mob : 9048494697
Location : Vadanappally, Thrissur
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
Attached Bathroom
Common Bathroom
Work Area
Upper Living
Open Terrace
If you’ve been looking for a uniquely shaped and distinctively designed house to build, then have a look at this. The entire house covers an are of 1700 square feet. The house plan includes almost all the facilities needed for a comfortable living such as 3 bedrooms with attached bath facilities.
A car porch with parking space for one vehicle, sit out, family living with dining area, modular kitchen with convenient work area, upper living room and open terrace. The entire cost of this 1700 square feet home, including the interior came up to just 29 lacks. Model of the two storey house is ready and work completed at vadanappally, Thrissur.